
The Proof is in the Poop

Saturday January 22, 2022

When your dog is in good health, it appears in his faeces. It can be huge, firm, and come in a variety of dark hues. Something is awry when you notice a rapid shift, such as blood in your dog’s faeces. Continue reading to find out how you can recognise health issues in your dog’s excrement.

Purina Senior Research Nutritionist Gail Czarnecki-Maulden states, 

“The proof of a pet’s digestive health is in the poop.”

There are numerous techniques to assess the digestive health of your dog. Pooping frequency – your dog should poop at least once a day, if not more. Poop Color – the colour of your dog’s poop may be affected by the food you feed him, and finally, consistency – solid stools are good, while loose stools may suggest sickness.

What does blood in dog stool look like?

It’s a symptom of a problem if your dog is pooping blood. Blood may appear in your dog’s faeces (or stool) in a few different ways. There’s a good likelihood your dog’s faeces contains blood if the faeces is bright red with streaks or appears black and tar-like in texture.

What can blood in dog stool mean?

Call your veterinarian if your dog is pooping blood or you believe he is. There’s no need to be concerned about disclosing too much information. The more detail you provide, the easier it will be for your veterinarian to figure out what’s going on. Blood may appear in your dog’s faeces (or stool) in a number of ways. Blood that is black and tar-like in colour might suggest that it has been digested. If there is any bright red with streaks, it might mean that some blood has been digested.

How will your veterinarian evaluate your dog’s stool?

You may be asked to bring a sample of your dog’s faeces to your veterinarian. And she’ll ask whether you’ve observed anything unusual, such as diarrhoea, straining, a change in frequency, or mucus in your stool. Experts like Czarnecki-Maulden employ instruments like a texture analyser, a Fecal Score System, and an in-depth microflora study.

How are dog stools evaluated for health?

Beyond the presence of blood in dog faeces, there are a number more criteria to consider. Stool shape, odour, faecal density, stickiness, food digestibility, nutrient absorption, bacterial numbers in the stool, composition, and the presence of parasites are some of them.

What role does microflora have in your dog’s digestive health?

According to Czarnecki-Maulden, “A healthy gut microflora balance can help promote a healthy immune system, healthy digestibility and good stool quality”. A healthy microflora balance in your dog’s digestive tract can help him produce nutrients and improve nutrient absorption. Boost your dog’s overall health

How to promote your dog’s digestive health?

You don’t have to wait till your dog has a digestive issue before treating it. Here are some precautions you may take right now: Examine your dog’s faeces to determine what’s normal for him and how frequently he poops. Keep an eye out for any blood or mucus in your dog’s faeces and notify your veterinarian if you notice any changes. Veterinary experts suggest that continued support for your dog’s digestive health can be managed with a probiotic and a prebiotic, such as Dig-in, but make any dietary modifications gradually over 1-2 weeks.