
Simple Checks for a Happy and Healthy Pup

Thursday July 04, 2024

We all want our furry friends to live long, happy, and healthy lives. But sometimes, it’s hard to know when a playful quirk might be a sign of something more serious. Here at Dig-In, we believe knowledge is power! So, before you reach for the car keys to rush to the vet, let’s explore some…read more

Understanding Food Allergies in Dogs: How Dig-In Can Help

Friday May 05, 2023

Food allergies are a common problem in dogs, with a reported prevalence of up to 10% of all canine cases. Allergies occur when the immune system identifies a specific protein in food as a foreign invader and reacts by attacking it. This can lead to a range of symptoms, from mild gastrointestinal issues to severe…read more

5 Great Tips: Diet and Weight Management for Dogs

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Maintaining your dog’s weight is unbelievably important to raise a healthy and happy dog. At Dig-In we’ve been writing a lot about the common ailments of certain breeds, ways to avoid expensive Vet bills and the importance of nutrition in dogs, as well as how to maintain a healthy gut. This promotes all the goodness…read more

Kane & Jason

Wednesday September 02, 2020

Dig-In has built relationships with customers over the years. The people who have ordered repeatedly have joined Frank’s “call and check in” list. We start to know the names of their dogs and the special place that they hold in the hearts of their owners. You see, we’re all dog lovers here, that small bundle…read more

Are Dog Probiotics a waste of money?

Friday August 03, 2018

Last month on Dig-In, we touched on the difference between Probiotics and Prebiotics. If you missed it you can catch up on it – here. In a nutshell, we delved into the differences and more importantly how prebiotics’ create the best environment for your dog’s good gut bacteria to grow and flourish, readying and laying…read more

Improving Your Dog’s Coat Quality

Thursday July 19, 2018

A Good Coat makes a Good Bond Did you know that petting a dog, locking eyes and even talking to one has been linked to lowering blood pressure, decreasing stress in humans and the simultaneous release of oxytocin? For many owners, whether you are aware of it or not, it’s just one of the many,…read more

8 Signs Your Dog Is Happy

Thursday March 29, 2018

At Dig-In we stand by our motto ‘happiness is healthy’. Being around a happy dog is infectious and despite whatever kind of day you’ve had your troubles melt away. There are few joys in life that match being greeted by your best friend tail wagging, excited panting and even smiling. But what about after they’ve…read more

Dig in gravy powder winter dogs

What does winter do to your dog?

Friday March 24, 2017

It’s almost time for those winter coats and warm night-time snuggles! Looking at your pooch and the cool months ahead, here’s some advice from our experts at Dig In about caring for your dog all winter long. Sunbake, don’t hibernate Melatonin is a vital hormone for your dog’s sleep regulation and is produced in the pineal…read more